Tuesday, June 9, 2009

hello. school is almost over for me. this thursday is my last day and its kinda depressing for me. and for all u haters out there who say my little christian school is a retarded sheltered place, i have a frickin news flash for u. I DONT CARE. i love my school. i learn the truth every day, there is no cussing, no drugs, no perversion. i know u might think that all that is great fun and thats it going to make u popular but i got some news for u. it doesn't last. when the buzz wears off u r going to feel empty and used. nothing in this world will keep u completely satisfied. this is just venting my feelings, im not really talking to anyone on blogger im actually talking to a guy i know. he hasnt realized it yet but im not like the slutty girls at his high school. i have morals, i dont swear like a sailor, i dont dress like a prostitute. oh, btw ally, if u read this im still sorry for wat u told me on sunday :,( im sending u air hugs