Monday, March 29, 2010

I am an established bass player...sort of. I love it. The most amazing instrument I've ever picked up. Ug, at my women's retreat, some jerk stole all of our stuff. We were stupid and left everything unlocked because it was a church environment and we were with a ton of other people. He took my leader's car, purse, ipod, laptop, and my ipod too. The person watched her until she left so he could go in and steal her stuff. I'm glad no one got hurt.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 shoulder hurts. Well, it's more tight and tense than anything else. I'm learning how to play bass and I never stand up and play...anything. So I'm not quite used to it. I kept having to adjust the strap while we stopped and disscussed how to stop songs and go into them. I'm playing and singing a little bit for the women's retreat my church is having. I'm super excited! I've always wanted to learn how to play bass. And it's coming very easily to me.