Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I love meeting new people!!! I'm so glad I went to Riverside!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I love blogs because they are different from facebook and myspace. I have a friend who says blogs are stupid and the people that have blogs are nerdy and uncool. Yeah, she doesn't know I have a blog... She's a nice person but she can get really wrapped up in looking cool. Flirting with guys and trying to find a boyfriend. I'm not into all that stuff. I'll look for a guy on my own time...which is when I'm ready to get married. I'm sorry if you don't agree with me and say "you have to try the shoes on before you get them". I think thats gross and what do shoes have to do with dating??? For the convenience of those who obviously have a shoe fetish do you want a pair of new shoes or used shoes?

Monday, March 29, 2010

I am an established bass player...sort of. I love it. The most amazing instrument I've ever picked up. Ug, at my women's retreat, some jerk stole all of our stuff. We were stupid and left everything unlocked because it was a church environment and we were with a ton of other people. He took my leader's car, purse, ipod, laptop, and my ipod too. The person watched her until she left so he could go in and steal her stuff. I'm glad no one got hurt.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 shoulder hurts. Well, it's more tight and tense than anything else. I'm learning how to play bass and I never stand up and play...anything. So I'm not quite used to it. I kept having to adjust the strap while we stopped and disscussed how to stop songs and go into them. I'm playing and singing a little bit for the women's retreat my church is having. I'm super excited! I've always wanted to learn how to play bass. And it's coming very easily to me.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I love when I see real love. I have a friend who always tells her infinte supply of boyfriends that she loves them. When my sister questioned her if she really did love this guy, she answered, "You don't have to mean it." That tore my heart to pieces. Then there is no meaning left to that beautiful phrase. The lead singer of the band Dear Olive Juice (check him out on Youtube. You won't regret it!) talks about that and that's what gave him the inspiration to his band name. At my school, there is a couple that is really and truly in love with each other. Some people would call them nerdy or uncool but they know what love is. He is such a gentleman to her. Every day, no matter how cold he is, and no matter how bundled up she is, he gives her his jacket to wear. Today, he brought her a Valentines. He sprinted back to his car to get it for her. And the thing that gets me the most, is there is no other girl for him. No other girl in my shcool can catch and hold his attention like she can. No matter how much acne she has, no matter how greasy or stringy her hair is, his gaze still follows her where ever she goes. He is never ever far from her side unless he is foreced to part with her.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Woah, today I had the most amazing lunch at school. At first I was sitting with some "cool" kids and then my friend Janelle and me decided to move. Then we went and sat with my other friends. It was so much fun. My friend Allison Sedar and Cheyenne came up with elbow hockey which is basically hitting a water bottle around the table using only your elbows. That is a perfect instant heart attack. I swear I was twitchin the rest of the day. Then Lily saw me and she was so excited and then she told Izzy and she was excited that I was sitting with them too. Poor Grant. It's a wonder he can read sitting in the middle of our elbow hockey game with me screaming and twitching all over the place. Then Mark threw our water bottle and Janelle ran and got it for us. Then the bottle fell on the ground and Mark smashed it. Then Pierce grabbed it and he wouldn't give it to me. He started running away from me. Then he was nice and stopped and gave it back. Then Maggie started beating Mark with her lunch box for knocking her over. Then lunch was over. That lunch gave me an energy boost that lasted all day...well until the middle of history anyways.

Friday, January 15, 2010

whoa. rachel. is this real? wat happened? im here for u buddy. im here for u.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

I love the book, "East Wind: West Wind." Everyone should read it. I love how deep it is and how all the events build off of eachother creating this complex chaotic plot that slowly sprials off in two extremely opposite directions.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year. I can't believe it's all ready 2010. 2009 went by way too fast. That year was one of the best years of my life. And I'm determined this one will be even better.