Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wow. The weekend was so amazing. I spent the weekend with people that I love. I ended up going to the races with my dad and little siter. My uncle mike, uncle mark, and "aunt" toby were all there. clarifying the aunt thing, it's a family joke we have with him. Don't freak out!!! During the day, I was the crazy maniac! They ran me all over the place making me get them parts, tools, cloths, ect. I got to drive my dads car around and I took my uncles car off the trailer. I felt so good because they trusted me enough to drive their cars. Toby is gonna get me a fake ID so I can drive. But then things went wrong. After working my butt off for them, I crawled into my bunkbed thing in the motorhome and to my horror, I was eaten alive by a million blood sucking misquitos!!! I thought, "Maybe if I go under the covers, they wont get me." Oh no, they came under the covers with me and bit me more. I didn't get over 3 hours of sleep that night cause I was so miserable. I had so many bandages on myself to keep from scrathing Hannah would joke and say, "No she has like Leprosy!" That is kinda an inside joke with me and Hannah too so if you don't get it, thats okay. Trust me. Hahahahahaha! Another inside joke. Sorry, I must be making you guys feel left out. Back on track. When I got up and went outside, everyone said I looked awful so they told Toby to pick up some meds for me while he went to get parts for the cars. That was the weirdest feeling in the world. I was just sitting there...almost completely numb. I didn't feel good but I didn't feel horrible either. When he gave the meds I went into his trailer with the air and sweat out all the venom and got a couple much needed hours of sleep. Then came the rest of the night. We watched races gasped as cars crashed hard and as my uncle got a flat tire, my dad finished third, and as Dave finally won a race. His son was so happy for him he couldn't stop smiling...which isn't bad because he has a beautiful smile. Then we went to bed with the air on in the motorhome and it was heavenly!!! Then we came home in the morning. So I talk a lot and to no one pretty much. But I actually perfer talking to myself than to other people sometimes. Woah taht sounds really stupid and a bit retarded but oh well. Peace out friends...many blessings upon you all.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I like my background. I think I will keep it for awhile. This Friday is gonna be insanse! At youth group, we are having a special guest speaker and it's gonna be really fun and cool. But also on Friday I was gonna get my hair cut and then also we have the races to go to. Everyone is gonna be there. Dad, me, Uncle Mark, Uncle Mike, MJ, Toby, Aunt Patty and hannah...i think. Cass might come with us too. So much to do so little time. Well I gotta go do homework before the Santa Anna winds knock down the tree next to window and destroy my room to the point where I can't even open my door!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ekkkk! I'm scared. My hair is finally long enough to donate to locks of love. My friend Cassidy is going to cut her hair with but her hair isn't long enough yet. My hair when I get it cut will have never ever been this short before. What if no one likes it? What if they make fun of me? Well you know what, its for a good cause and my hair will grow back but theirs most likely won't. So there haters.

Friday, September 18, 2009

wow that one below this one is really long and a little emo but im good now. just venting my feelings cause i feel like sending a message into cyberspace for complete stangers to read instead of talking about it with my family. i'm such a retard! :P

You know when you want someone to play a major role in your life, but there is no possible way in the entire world that that would ever ever happen and the more you see that person and the more they slip away from you in your relationship, the more dejected and hopeless you feel? I feel that way right now. Its not that fun. It was really bad tonight. Or when you have the best friend in the entire world and you could talk to them about anything or do anything to them and they will still say "I love you" at the end of the day. And when this friend slowly and painfully starts to slip away from you. And you clucth at them until the knuckles show white and you cry out in pain, "Pleas, hold on! Please, just hold onto me!" And they loosen their grip slowly oh so slowly until you are holding onto them by their pinky finger and they aren't even paying attention to what you are trying to do. They are only concentrated on the drop below and the free fall. And it breaks your heart when you see the anticipation in their eyes at the thrill of the unknown drop and you wonder why in the world are still holding onto them? why are you holding them back? Because you love them too much and you don't want to lose them ever ever. If i lose them, my life would become an empty meaningless void and i would be consumed form the inside out with thoughts of them. I've met new people and have started new relationships with people that i love like my own flesh and blood. And I'm so terrified of losing them because i realize now thats a much too real possibility. One of them could be lead away to anothter part of the world never to be seen again. another friend is already gone. i will barely get to see her now because of her convictions and what she believes God is telling her to do. I miss her so much. another friend is never there when i'm there and i'm never there when hes there. tonight i noticed there was a gap in our family. he wasn't there. at a dumb track meet thing where he had to go to a friends house and eat. how lame. wish he had been there. the others are amazing but i can never see them except on fridays. these days are the hightlights of my week. when i can sit down and curl up with my family and be myself and let myself go. it makes me so happy when we are all together. but i'm still so scared of all of us getting separated forever. if they leave me, what will i do? i'm not a retarded person who lives and breathes and revolves around her friends but i really do love them. my heart fills up to the bursting point when i see all of us huddled together under the feeble light by the pool, everyone soaking wet from going swimming at their own will or being tossed in, my "older bro" strumming his guitar and all of us singing together. we all talk about the troubles in our life and we pray for eachother and its such a blessing. i come away feeling more loved and cleaner than pure white cotton. i wish everyone cared as much about me as i do about them. i wish i could tell them but i can't find the words and it would disturb some of them because they don't feel like i do.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ug. I dislike homework. I was starting to have a meltdown over all the useless scientific writing I had to do so I took a welcome break. I logged onto my blog yipee! Writing for fun really calms me down and helps me think and reflect on deep and important things. Yeah I know I'm a nerd. At least I don't wear braces or glasses. Well if I keep reading in the dark and my teeth keep growing the wrong way I might need both. Ha! I'm glad I'm not on webcam-i just caught myself with my head lolling back mouth open while I was writing. I seriously need to stop staying up till one in the morning. The clouds are rolling in. Yes. I love clouds. They are a gorgeous, unique and sometimes ominous reminder of God's glory. And it means Calif is finally going to get some relief form the mean relentless sun. (Like the words I'm using? I know you do) *groans in annoyance and bangs head against wall* my little sister can really be a bother sometimes. I don't think anyone reads this but I don't care that much...well a little. I know random people probably read this and my friends read this. Ok now I'm going to go.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Blah blah blah. My friend Alicia said I was nerdy because I have a blog. She just does7n't know how to live. She needs to get a life of7f of Ebay! Love you Alicia! I had my first guitar lesson at my new school. The tea7cher is pretty cool. There is the guy in my class named Joey and he's so good at guitar-it's insane! Hey if anyone has one-way tickets for a round trip to Australia, I would reall7y appreciate if you could give them to me. Th7ey would be even cooler if I could pick the day I could leav7e and choose how long I could sta7y there. If you have 'em and don't want 'em, give 'em to meeeeeee! I have a good use for t7hem, the use which am going to use them for I will withold from you beca7use I'm mean like that ;)

Monday, September 7, 2009

I just got back from the beach. Man, the waves were like ten feet tall!!! There were a lot of rip currents that would suck you down and drag you on the bottom. I couldn't get up once they dragged me down. I bodysurfed one wave and i got spit out with the curl of the wave and i got slammed into the bottom. I got out after that. Becasue I love my life. Well gotta go finish my math homework becuase it due tomorrow. Chow! (or however those crazy brits spell it :P)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ug. My little sister is having another one of her crying sessions. I can hear her crying and screaming right now. She does this pretty much every day. My entire family is getting fed up with it. She asks the same things over and over again to my mom and dad. When they get tired of her and tell her to go away she comes and cries to me. I tell her what we've all been telling her for the last um let's see...eight months and she still asks me the same questions. I'm sooooo tired of it! Then when she gets an answer she's looking for...she asks the same question again. It's so frustrating.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Yeah, 2 months exactly! It was 2 months ago that i posted my last comment. My cousins came down to visit us. They are so much fun. They are a couple years older than me but that makes them even more fun. I started high school too. On the stinkin' 18th of August! I was soooo ticked off. But it's cool i guess. I met two awesome people who i am proud to call my friends. They are Alicia and Felisha and Moses. Well thats three but whatever, i stink at math anyways. I'm actually struggling to finish it right now. well now i am going to get a life. bye!