Thursday, February 11, 2010

I love when I see real love. I have a friend who always tells her infinte supply of boyfriends that she loves them. When my sister questioned her if she really did love this guy, she answered, "You don't have to mean it." That tore my heart to pieces. Then there is no meaning left to that beautiful phrase. The lead singer of the band Dear Olive Juice (check him out on Youtube. You won't regret it!) talks about that and that's what gave him the inspiration to his band name. At my school, there is a couple that is really and truly in love with each other. Some people would call them nerdy or uncool but they know what love is. He is such a gentleman to her. Every day, no matter how cold he is, and no matter how bundled up she is, he gives her his jacket to wear. Today, he brought her a Valentines. He sprinted back to his car to get it for her. And the thing that gets me the most, is there is no other girl for him. No other girl in my shcool can catch and hold his attention like she can. No matter how much acne she has, no matter how greasy or stringy her hair is, his gaze still follows her where ever she goes. He is never ever far from her side unless he is foreced to part with her.