Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wow. The weekend was so amazing. I spent the weekend with people that I love. I ended up going to the races with my dad and little siter. My uncle mike, uncle mark, and "aunt" toby were all there. clarifying the aunt thing, it's a family joke we have with him. Don't freak out!!! During the day, I was the crazy maniac! They ran me all over the place making me get them parts, tools, cloths, ect. I got to drive my dads car around and I took my uncles car off the trailer. I felt so good because they trusted me enough to drive their cars. Toby is gonna get me a fake ID so I can drive. But then things went wrong. After working my butt off for them, I crawled into my bunkbed thing in the motorhome and to my horror, I was eaten alive by a million blood sucking misquitos!!! I thought, "Maybe if I go under the covers, they wont get me." Oh no, they came under the covers with me and bit me more. I didn't get over 3 hours of sleep that night cause I was so miserable. I had so many bandages on myself to keep from scrathing Hannah would joke and say, "No she has like Leprosy!" That is kinda an inside joke with me and Hannah too so if you don't get it, thats okay. Trust me. Hahahahahaha! Another inside joke. Sorry, I must be making you guys feel left out. Back on track. When I got up and went outside, everyone said I looked awful so they told Toby to pick up some meds for me while he went to get parts for the cars. That was the weirdest feeling in the world. I was just sitting there...almost completely numb. I didn't feel good but I didn't feel horrible either. When he gave the meds I went into his trailer with the air and sweat out all the venom and got a couple much needed hours of sleep. Then came the rest of the night. We watched races gasped as cars crashed hard and as my uncle got a flat tire, my dad finished third, and as Dave finally won a race. His son was so happy for him he couldn't stop smiling...which isn't bad because he has a beautiful smile. Then we went to bed with the air on in the motorhome and it was heavenly!!! Then we came home in the morning. So I talk a lot and to no one pretty much. But I actually perfer talking to myself than to other people sometimes. Woah taht sounds really stupid and a bit retarded but oh well. Peace out friends...many blessings upon you all.